How to stop global warming? This climate solution for the eco-friendly removal of CO2 to the seabed in the form of calcite, CaCO3. It allows us to STOP GLOBAL WARMING and natural disasters: abnormal heat, hurricanes, typhoons, storms, havy rains, floods, etc.




Kazakhstan`s sciencers proposed to salt the Ocean





Carbonate-Borate System


Math Chem


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Global life hacks


Salt of the Earth














How to stop global warming? This climate solution for the eco-friendly removal of CO2 to the seabed in the form of calcite, CaCO3. It allows us to STOP GLOBAL WARMING and natural disasters: abnormal heat, hurricanes, typhoons, storms, havy rains, floods, etc.


September 8, 2023






            Size of carbon reservoirs on the Earth


Size of carbon reservoirs on the Earth

Atmosphere 720 Gt
Terrestrial biosphere 2000 Gt
Fossil fuels 4130 Gt
Ocean 38400 Gt


As you can see in this diagram, most carbon stocks are concentrated in the deep ocean and they are inorganic. The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the surface layer is exchanged rapidly with the atmosphere CO2, maintaining equilibrium Henry's law. The deep ocean contains far more carbon as ions, it is the largest pool of actively cycled carbon in the world, containing 50 times more than the atmosphere.

The ocean depth is the core of the carbon cycle system.

More than 99 % of DIC is in the form of two ions: carbonate CO32– and bicarbonate HCO3.

A fourth form is H2CO3 (true carbonic acid), the concentration of which is much lower (~ 0.3 %) than aqueous CO2. Carbonic acid rapidly dissociates into free hydrogen ion and bicarbonate.



The balance of these carbonate species with hydrogen ions is a nonlinear thermodynamically coupled system and depends on factors such as temperature, pressure and salinity of seawater.[4] [6] [8] [14]

DIC can be converted to particulate inorganic carbon by biological or abiotic precipitation in the carbonate minerals: CaCO3, MgCO3 etc. The main producers of carbonate sediments in seawater are unicellular organisms such as foraminifera and coccolithophore. Calcareous silts or also called foraminiferal ooze are carbonate sediments that cover about 50 % of the seabed of the World Ocean. [6] [13].



Staring into the Abyss [1], [4], [5], [6], [8], [16], [17]

Starring to Abyss. Charts and diagrams.
Salinity, pH, CO2, temperature, total alkaliniity and disssolution CaCO3 in seawater.
Halocline, thermocline, lysocline and carbonate compensation depth (CCD) in the ocean.

Attention should be paid to significantly changing characteristics temperature – thermocline, salinity – halocline and acidity pH values in surface waters. And also on the equilibrium between dissolution and precipitation of carbonates defined by lysocline and carbonate compensation depth (CCD) in deep waters.

To see the solution to the planetary problem of Global warming, it is necessary to understand and calculate the relationships in this non-linearly coupled system. Quantify the effect of salinity on the sequestration of  carbon into insoluble forms based on the Carbonate-Borate System of the Ocean.



Carbonate-Borate System

Seawater is weakly alkaline, and the ocean chemistry describes the charge balance of all its elements and total alkalinity, TA, which includes carbonate and borate ions:

Due to the fact that boron is present in the marine at lower concentrations, the borate system plays a much smaller role than the carbonate system, but its contribution is not so small as to be neglected.

The influence of the rest of the components ([PO43–−], [HPO42–], [SiO(OH)3], [HSO4]) is minimal and is within the statistical limits of the measurement error. [18]



Borate ions are buffering agents in seawater.  SALTCOM.ORG

Seawater, as an electrolyte containing several different ions, is a natural buffer solution. The thermodynamic conjugation buffer systems are a mixture of an acid (proton donor) and a base conjugated (proton acceptor), that is, particles differing by proton H+.

When calcite CaCO3 is precipitated from a supersaturated solution, the excess or deficiency of dissolved Ca2+ should be equal to the difference in TA in the initial and final states.

The decrease in carbonate alkalinity due to the release of CaCO3 from the solution is partially compensated by the appearance of HCO3 ions in the solution only due to a decrease in the borate component[8]. This is point key in the biological precipitation of calcite.





In the study[7] of the main oceanic carbon sinks, unicellular planktonic foraminifera and their suborder Globigerinina, in experiments on the deposition of calcite shells (called "tests") was studied the ratio of boron to calcium (B/Ca). These results suggest that borate [B(OH)4] and carbonate [CO23–] ions may compete for the same site in the calcite lattice. B/Ca has no significant temperature dependence, but increases with salinity.


The non-proportional increase B component in calcite tests with a proportional increase in salinity reflects the chemistry of the ancient oceans, their higher total ion concentration or ionic strength, and influence of "effective concentration" or thermodynamic activity of borate ions, drivers of carbonate sedimentation .

Planktonic foraminifera are the main component of "calcite rain" in the sea and the largest sinks of carbon. Today they, together with benthic species, account for almost 25 % of the carbonate production in the oceans [23]. Because they are buoyant, their life cycles depend on the density of sea water, which is determined by temperature and salinity.

Since the Mesozoic, foraminifera have evolved in a tense regime of decreasing aqueous and atmospheric CO2 from tens of percent to today's 0.03...0.0417 % and sinked a huge amount of carbon in solid inorganic carbonates. In particular, they did a good job in the Cretaceous period (from the Latin creta, "chalk", CaCO3).

In total, sedimentary carbonates in the form of limestone and dolomite accumulated more than 60 million gigatons, which is more than three orders of magnitude greater than the amount of carbon contained in the oceans, the biosphere and fossil organics combined.





In laboratory culture experiment “Effect of salinity induced pH changes on benthic foraminifera”[9]

the life activity of foraminifera was studied depending on the degree of salinity.



The graphs of the life and death of this microorganism show that these foraminifera practically do not live in an environment with a salinity of less than 20 ‰ and poorly at 25 ‰. Therefore, for clarity, we have excluded these values from the combined third plot, which shows that the greatest development occurs at high salinity, with final maximum values of 40 ‰. This is despite the fact that at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, where this foraminifera was taken from, the salinity is lower. Bottom waters from the equator to the arctic latitudes have a salinity of 34.7–34.8 ‰.


This preference for high salinity is for foraminifera not only an evolutionary memory, but mainly a direct adherence to the laws of chemical thermodynamics. Increased salinity shifts the chemical equilibrium towards the formation of a new solid phase – calcium carbonate.

All foraminifera and most other calcite-fixing organisms use biological catalysts, enzymes like carbonic anhydrase to increase the pH of the internal environment (up to 9.0)[11] relative to sea water (modern pH 7.4–8.2 from lysocline to surface) by actively pumping out protons H+.

The pH and salinity of seawater have an almost linear relationship, so the preference for salinity corresponds to a proportional increase in the thermodynamic potential, or Gibbs free energy, available for calcification.

This heterogeneous equilibrium can be described by a system of nonlinear equations, the values of which constitute the equilibrium constants of all individual elements of seawater. Knowing the exact thermodynamic values of all elements of the system and their relationship, it is possible to calculate the salt-carbon balance, find the solution (root) of the system of equations by Newton's method.



Microorganisms affect the kinetics of reactions, accelerate it. Their biological catalysts reduce the activation energy of chemical reactions or activation barrier, reduce the amount of energy required for the reaction.

Without enzymes, the reaction of precipitation CaCO3 takes place at a higher temperature, pH, and salinity of seawater. In the ocean, there are such natural conditions for the abiotic precipitation of solid carbonates. For example, spontaneous precipitation of "lime powder" (also called "whitening") occurs in the Persian Gulf during the hot season, when salinity in surface waters reaches 41–42 ‰ due to evaporation. This rule is also confirmed by the deposits of the Bahama Banks and other shallow carbonate factories, where in the presence of a crystallization grain, aragonite (a less stable phase of calcium carbonate than calcite, with the same formula CaCO3) precipitates from seawater on a regular basis. [6]


The Bahama Banks.

Spontaneous precipitation of CaCO3 'lime powder' also called 'whitening' from seawater.  SALTCOM.ORG



Spontaneous precipitation [22] of CaCO3 occurs at high supersaturation of seawater with respect to calcium and magnesium carbonates (from 7 to 50 times[6]), high pH (the threshold for the beginning of precipitation is set at pH 8.60) and high salinity.

Usually, precipitation is triggered by an increase in temperature, but it also happens in the case of an increase in salinity. For example, in winter in northern latitudes, when ice freezes, the salinity of the underlying water layers can increase sharply and, according to the laws of thermodynamics and the Ostwald's rule, precipitate ikaite, most unstable form calcium carbonate. However, due to its high solubility, it is not sedimented.

The salinity effect is cognate with salting out (also known as salt-induced precipitation) due to a combination of increased ionic strength and common-ion effect.


If we compare the carbonate sediment map on the ocean floor, the salinity map (satellite modeled image (surface salinity changes seasonally)) and the depth map, we can see a correlation between surface salinity and bottom sediments. Depths below the lysocline ~3.5 km (dark blue on depth map) preclude carbonate accumulation due to pressure and temperature effects on CaCO3 dissolution.

Tops of seamounts are covered with calcite sediments, like snow-capped peaks on land.



Map of the calcium carbonate sediments in the Ocean.
Maps salinity and depth.  SALTCOM.ORG




      Which affects the CO2 in seawater more, salinity or temperature?

The formation of carbonates directly depends on the salinity. The average value of the ocean water salinity of 35‰ is also the average value of carbonate accumulation.


How does the salinity of seawater affect the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and ocean?

The small change in salinity by ± 0.1% leads to a large change in the accumulation of carbonates – by an order of magnitude from 5% to 50 %.


The small change in salinity by ± 0.1% leads to a large change in the accumulation of carbonates – by an order of magnitude from 5 % to 50 %.

This tenfold ratio was first discovered, calculated and published in 1936 by Parker Trask, a professor at the University of California. In research “Relation of salinity to the calcium carbonate content of marine sediments”[25], he and his colleagues at Scripps Institution of Oceanography conducted an extensive statistical study with data from 3,000 samples of sediments in many parts of the ocean, satisfactorily representing the entire world. In this paper presents the effect of small changes salinity of 1 ‰ in comparison with effect of small change temperature of 1°C relative to standard conditions 34 ‰ salinity and 20°C. The accuracy of data from numerous scientific expeditions and their perfect mathematical processing make this study relevant today. The research results are presented in the table.


Which affects the CO2 in seawater more, salinity or temperature?

The small increase in salinity by 0.1 % gives a significant increase in the total concentration of carbonate ions by 8.5%. Whereas an increase in temperature by 1°C increases carbonate ions less, by 2.5 %. Also, an increase in salinity by 0.1 % significantly affects the degree of saturation, Ω, with calcium carbonates by 8.4 %, which is almost twice as much as the effect of a temperature.
Table 1. Effect of rise in salinity and temperature on the solubility of calcium carbonate in sea water.


The small increase in salinity by 0.1 % gives a significant increase in the total concentration of carbonate ions by 8.5%. Whereas an increase in temperature by 1°C increases carbonate ions less, by 2.5 %. Also, an increase in salinity by 0.1 % significantly affects the degree of saturation, Ω, with calcium carbonates by 8.4 %, which is almost twice as much as the effect of a temperature.



The content of calcium and borate ions changes in proportion to the salinity and does not depend on the temperature rise. When the salinity increased by 2.9 % ((35–34)/34×100=2.9411), the content of [Ca2+] and [B(OH)4] also increased by 2.9 %. To illustrate the effect of an increase in the salinity ΔS of seawater, we recalculated the data from the last column of the Table 1 in relation to the increase in salinity itself.



ΔS 34 → 35‰ or +2.9% Sr
ΔS% / 2.9% Sr ratio

Free CO2 (assumed to be equivalent to [H2CO3])



First apparent dissociation constant of carbonic acid K1'



Second apparent dissociation constant of carbonic acid K2'



Reciprocal of hydrogen-ion concentration (pH)



Excess base (titration alkalinity), B (borate ions)



Concentration of bicarbonate [HCO3]



Concentration of carbonate [CO32–]



Concentration of calcium [Ca2+]



Apparent solubility product constant of calcium carbonate in water K`CaCO3



Degree of saturation of sea water with calcium carbonate, Ω




It is interesting to find that the degree of saturation, Ω (a measure of the thermodynamic tendency of CaCO3 to precipitate or dissolve), is equivalent to the relation salinity.

ΔΩ = ΔS / Sr = 8,4% / 2,9% = 2,9

This means that the salinity function of carbonate precipitation has a quadratic character and on some sites near normal conditions observed equation

ΔΩ = ΔS 2 or ΔS = √ΔΩ

At conditions very near equilibrium approximately 1.2 rate of calcite growth a very slow or zero. A rate law showing a parabolic dependence and suggesting a spiral growth regime when Ω < 1.72. When Ω > 1.72, the precipitation rate increased exponentially following a law based upon a surface nucleation mechanism.[34]

Ω = [Ca2+] [CO32–] / Ksp

At equilibrium Ω = 1, solubility product Ksp for each form of calcium carbonate (calcite, aragonite) and magnesium (magnesite, dolomite) is a constant (at the appropriate ionic strength and temperature).

The values of Ksp for all minerals is known, theoretically calculated by thermodynamic methods (‘apparent’ solubility product) and practically measured in natural conditions.

To illustrate the relationship between Ksp and salinity, we used data from different sources [33], [6] with different salinity scales at a standard temperature of 25°C.






Seawater, being alkaline, contains an excess of base that can be balanced with a weak acid such as H2CO3. Сarbonic acid is said to be weak rather than "dilute" because it only partially dissociates when dissolved in water. This partiality, together with a "borate-cline" (see below), constitutes a buffer balance of positive and negative charges in seawater, the sum of which is zero.

Black-and-white diagrams from the "CO2 in seawater: equilibrium, kinetics, isotopes"., 2001, Richard E. Zeebe and Dieter Wolf-Gladrow.[3] Our color is cyan-green (teal).


 The small excess charge of the conservative cations over anions is mainly balanced by the sum represents the most important contribution to TA – carbonate, bicarbonate, and borate ions.

Total alkalinity remains constant with absorption or desorption of CO2, but change with salinity.

In the range of salinity 35 ± 1 ‰ Total alkalinity is changed ~ 0.13 mmol/kg seawater.


  Anthropogenic CO2 leads to an increase of DIC but does not change TA because the charge balance is not affected. The formation of CaCO3 decreases both DIC and TA. For each mole of CaCO3 precipitated, one mole of carbon and one mole of double positively charged Ca2+ ions are taken up which leads to a decrease of DIC and TA in a ratio of 1:2. As a result, the system shifts to higher CO2 levels and lower pH.[3]

Formation CaCO3 sediments occurs in the so-called carbonate factories, the functioning of which is well studied in marine carbonate sedimentology. [1] [12] [13]






The productivity of these carbonate factories directly depends on the TA and pH of seawater, so anthropogenic ocean acidification shifts the balance of the system towards carbonate dissolution.

Until now, in all books on oceanology, this was called a carbonate system with the obligatory representation of the borate component. It's time to call it by its true name: the carbonate-borate system. Because, despite the low concentration borate ions (average 4.5 mg/L), are the key elements of the system, the trigger in the carbonate precipitation reaction.

The concentration of borate ions in sea water depends on pH and increases with its increase, forming a kind of fixing wedge or cline that supports balance, which is associated with the thermodynamic concept of degrees of freedom. We called this the "third leg effect".

Black-and-white diagram from the "Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis", 1994, Robin Bathurst, University of Liverpool.[1] Our comments are colored.



Carbonat-Borate system of Ocean and variation TA components with pH.
'Third leg effect' of borat ion.  SALTCOM.ORG


The decrease of 0.1 pH units may not seem like much, but because the pH scale is logarithmic, each unit on the pH scale represents a tenfold change in acidity. pH values rapidly decrease from the surface to the depths (see the Abyss on page 3) and can be less than 7.5 at a depth of 200 meters. But total borate concentration [B(OH)4] + [B(OH)3] is conservative in seawater, i.e., proportional to salinity.[21]

The 'borate-cline' narrows from 10 % at pH 8.6 to zero at pH 7.8, that is, it exerts its influence in subsurface waters – the main producers of carbonate sediments in the ocean.

pH = 8.6 is a threshold value for spontaneous precipitation of carbonates from supersaturated solutions[21], it is remarkably also the first dissociation constant of boric acid pKb = 8.6 under normal conditions of 25°C and 35 ‰ salinity.[28]




The carbonate-borate system of the ocean determines the rate of carbonate sedimentation. It has a negative feedback on seawater acidity and a positive feedback on salinity.

For precipitation from a solution of salts, including carbonates, salts of carbonic acid, it is necessary that the solution be supersaturated. Seawater becomes supersaturated with respect to CaCO3 when the ion product exceeds the solubility product Ksp or Ω > 1.

In the depths of the oceans, water is undersaturated, while surface waters are in a state of significant supersaturation. In tropical areas, the solubility product Ksp of calcite is exceeded by 7–8 times.

There is evidence of exceptional stability of this condition.[6]



Thus, Lyakhin et al. (1968)[6] showed that for the spontaneous precipitation of CaCO3 from seawater, it is necessary 50-fold supersaturation. When the solution is supersaturated with calcium carbonate, the Ostwald rule is valid, according to which, by purely chemical means, the metastable component, i.e., aragonite, precipitates first, and after reaching the aragonite solubility product (Ksparagonite = 10-8.22), precipitate of calcite (Kspcalcite = 10-8.35). For example, on the Bahama Bank, as a result of overheating and increasing salinity from evaporation, precipitation occurs mainly of aragonite, which then gradually recrystallizes slowly into more stable calcite.

Recrystallization of carbonates as a movement of the system towards thermodynamic equilibrium is possible because the dissolution↔precipitation reactions are reversible and they are influenced by many other seawater ions: Mg2+, К+, Sr2+, H2BO3, SO42– etc. that form ion pairs among themselves, as well as fluctuations in their general concentration – the ionic strength of the solution. For example, the association reactions for calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+ cations are not only with carbonate anions CO32– and HCO3 but also with sulphate ions: Ca2+ + SO42– = CaSO40 and Mg2+ + SO42– = MgSO40

Calcium and magnesium sulphates exists as both contact and solvent-shared ion-pairs in seawater.

The high stability of supersaturation of seawater with calcium carbonate is explained by the complexity, multistage and mobility of the carbonate-borate system together with the presence of numerous foreign ions in the solution make it difficult approach and orientation of Ca2+ and CO32– ions, necessary for the formation of nuclei of the solid phase. Complexation processes cause the existence of more than 90% CO32– in ion pairs with Mg2+ and Na+ and about 9 % Ca2+ in ion pairs with SO42– and HCO3, resulting in activity concentration Ca2+ and CO32– are greatly reduced.



Any salt has its own value of the solubility product constant, for example, Ksp(CaMg(CO3)2 dolomite, which is coupled with the constants of other sea salts: Ksp(MgSO4) magnesium sulfate, Ksp(CaSO4) gypsum, Ksp(SrCO3) strontianite, etc., and with their ionic complexes.

The system of non-linearly coupled elements of seawater has an electrical nature. The activity of individual ions and complexes depends on the Ionic strength, a quantity representing the strength of the electric field in the solution:


 where I is equal to half the sum of the products of the molar concentration ci of each ion (M, mol/L) and the square of its charge zi. The sum is taken over all ions in the solution. Due to the square of zi, multivalent ions (Mg2+, Ca2+) contribute particularly strongly to the ionic strength.

Quadraticity in this equation follows from Coulomb's law, according to which the force of interaction of two point charges is proportional to their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, water molecules as a dielectric weaken the Coulomb interactions of ion pairs, triplets, and clouds. These ion clouds shield the charge of the central ion, which is the reason for introducing activity as an "effective concentration" in ions.

Typical values the Ionic strength:

potable and groundwater I = 0.001 – 0.02M,

seawater I = 0.67 – 0.71M .

Seawater as a solution with significant ionic strength has large deviations from ideality, which are described by the Debye-Hückel theory. This theory gives equations that use an individual dimensionless activity coefficient γi can be calculated as a function of the concentration, temperature and permittivity of the solvent. The basic equation of this theory (Debye–Hückel limiting law) shows the relationship between the activity coefficient of the ion zi and the Ionic strength of the solution, I, in dilute solutions in the form:


First approach
I ≤ 0.01M

A ≈ 0.51 at 25°C in water

Second approach
I ≤ 0.1M

a - average effective ion diameter,

B - parameter radius of ionic cloud

Third approach
I ≤ 2M


C - parameter takes into account

the polarization of molecules


where γ is the activity coefficient, A is a constant independent of the charge of the ion and the Ionic strength of the solution, but dependent on the dielectric constant of the solvent and temperature.

The classical Debye-Hückel theory is applicable only at very low values of ionic strength in dilute electrolytes. Therefore, for high ionic strength solutions often found in nature, extensions have been developed. The main theory extensions are the Davies equation (for I ≤ 0.5M, not acceptable for seawater), and two extensions acceptable for our purposes: Specific ion interaction theory (SIT theory) and Pitzer equations.

The Pitzer equations have more parameters than the SIT equations. Because of this, the Pitzer equations provide more accurate modeling of mean activity coefficient data and equilibrium constants. The Pitzer equations are based on rigorous thermodynamics.[26][27] While the SIT theory approaches are based on pairwise interactions between oppositely charged ions, Pitzer's approach also allows interactions between three ions. Determining the Pitzer parameters is more laborious, but this is justified by the accuracy of the results and their adequacy to real conditions, since it is based on numerous data from practical measurements.



For the average activity coefficient of the i-th ion species, the Pitzer equations, with slight simplifications, can be written as


 is the Debye-Hückel coefficient for the osmotic function, equal to 0.3921 at 298.15K or 25 °C;

 b = 1.2 is the parameter of the Pitzer model; mj, mk are the molalities of the ions salt background, index j refers to background cations, index k to anions; NK is the number of types of background cations; NA is the number of types of background anions; N is the total number of types of ions that make up the background electrolytes;

Ionic strength is expressed in units of molality ml (mol/kg) thermodynamically independent of temperature. zl is the charge of ions of the lth kind (in atomic units);

and are the parameters of the interaction of the i-th species with the l-th ion;

α = 2 is a constant parameter of the Pitzer model;

 is the interaction parameter of the j-th and k-th types of ions.

If the reagents are uncharged, then

the limiting form of which at high values of the Ionic strength is the Sechenov equation.


The activity equations for all salts dissolved in seawater and the activity of the water itself, as well as their thermal and volumetric properties, are derived from a single expression for the excess Gibbs energy of solutions. The equations contain sets of two kinds of parameters: "pure" solutions containing single electrolytes (for example, NaCl, MgSO4); and "mixture" parameters, the values of which are determined from measurements containing two different electrolytes with a common ion (NaCl and Na2SO4).

To solve such a complex system as seawater, data are used: activities γ gamma, apparent molar enthalpies and heat capacities, apparent molar volumes and compressibilities, solubilities of all sea salts and equilibrium partial pressure of CO2.

We created a model with major ions (99.9 %) in seawater: Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Cl –, SO42–, H2BO3, Br, F, HCO3, CO32–, OH – and H +.

The Pitzer parameter matrix for these major ions is significant: 38 sets of cation-anion interactions and potentially 210 ternary or "mixture" parameters that express the interactions between two different ions with same type of charge and one with the opposite type of charge.



Simplified model of the interaction of major ions in seawater


Activities are calculated individually for each ion and complex,

gamma γ are presented without indexes for simplicity.



Simplified model of the interaction of major ions in seawater.
Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Cl –, SO42–, H2BO3–, Br–, F –, HCO3–, CO32–, OH – and H + 
System of 65 equations with unknowns.
    water ionization constant 
  first dissociation constant of carbonic acid 
second dissociation constant of carbonic acid 
  dissociation constant of  or
  constant of ionic complex in equilibrium with solid 
  dissociation constant of  
dissociation constant of  
dissociation constant of  
 constant of ionic complex in equilibrium with solid 
 dissociation constant of   

System of 65 equations with unknowns,

11 of them are key, the rest are less significant,

however, neutral ions such as Na+, Cl – set significant contribution to

the value of ionic strength due to their high concentration.

  dissociation constant of boric acid
partial pressure CO2 equlibrium




When calculating the activity of each element, it is necessary to know the value of the ionic strength, but its exact value can be obtained only after solving the entire system of equations. How to break this loop of cause-and-effect relationships?

To do this, use the iterative method or the method of successive approximations. Simultaneous solution of all nonlinear equations can be solved using Newton's method, which uses the residuals of functions and an array of partial derivatives of each function with respect to a set of “master unknowns”.

Heterogeneous equilibrium in seawater is described by a system of equations that are derived by substituting the equations for moles of species derived from mass-action equations into the equations of molar balance and charge balance.

When the equilibrium is satisfied, all functions of the equilibrium are equal to zero. The zeros of the functions are found by the Newton's method, by which each function is differentiated with respect to each master unknown to form the Jacobian matrix.

 Using thermodynamic databases for all seawater substances, numerical values of thermodynamic properties of individual substances such as entropy S (J/K×mol), enthalpy H (kJ/mol), heat capacity Cp (J/K×mol), Gibbs energy change ΔG (J/mol), and calculate log10(Kp) – decimal logarithm of the equilibrium constant of the reaction of dissociation, it is possible to calculate the interactions of all ions in seawater and quantify the effect of salinity on solubility and precipitation of carbonate minerals.

These systems of equations can be solved in many mathematical software packages such as MATLAB or Wolfram Mathematica and others, and even in the MS Excel spreadsheet, as well as in Thermo-Calc thermodynamic calculations. There is also a specialized software for calculating equilibrium in solutions: MINTEQA2, ChemEQL, Geochemist's Workbench (GWB), and PHREEQC.

We made calculations in the PHREEQC program, a popular software package that includes thermodynamic databases, tools for geochemical simulations and, importantly, Pitzer specific-ion-interaction aqueous model (pitzer.dat database) for calculating highly salted solutions (seawater). PHREEQC sets international standards in many scientific calculations, engineering tasks, water supply, ecology, etc.

Knowing the accurate quantitative equilibrium of carbonates in solutions is necessary, for example, in water treatment, because calcium and magnesium carbonate minerals under certain conditions can be deposited in scale (scalant) in pipes and industrial equipment, while an excessive decrease in water alkaline, acidification, can lead to corrosion of the same pipes.

The dissolution/deposition balance of calcium carbonates determines the Saturation index, SI, which is determined by the difference between the measured pHactual of the water and the calculated pHs of the water if it were in equilibrium with CaCO3 at the existing calcium ion and bicarbonate ion concentrations.


SI = pHactual – pHs,   and   pHs = f(T) + f(TDS) – f(Ca) – f(TA),


where function of temperature f(T) = -13.12 log10 (°C + 273) + 34.55, function of water TDS = (log10[TDS] – 1)/10 is a correction for the ionic strength and it is determined using the table value, factor calcium hardness of water value, f(Ca) = log10[Ca2+], and factor the measured value for total alkalinity, TA, in mol/kg water.

Saturation index is widely used to control scale deposition, for example, in water supply systems. If SI > 0, than water is oversaturated with CaCO3, scale forming.

If SI < 0, water is undersaturated, corrosive, and dissolved solid carbonates.




Saturation index is calculated by comparing the chemical activities of the dissolved ions of the mineral (ion activity product, IAP) with their solubility product (Ksp). In equation form,

SI = log(IAP/Ksp).


SI is only a qualitative indicator of CaCO3 deposition, it indicates the direction and intensity of the dissolution and precipitation processes. The quantitative indicator of calcium carbonate that needs to be precipitated or dissolved from water to reach equilibrium with CaCO3 is the Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential, CCPP.

To find CCPP, the PHREEQC program allows multiple all pure phases in seawater, that to exist in equilibrium with the aqueous phase, subject to the limitations of the Gibbs' Phase Rule. This equilibrium is found using heterogeneous equations of mass action and is termed a “phase assemblage”.




Math Chem


Taking as a basis the average composition of seawater with an average salinity of 35‰, we proportionally calculated the percentage changes of all values for 34‰ and 36‰.

Data are presented in units of mol/kgw. Other components of seawater, which are less than 0.1%, can be neglected.


Equilibrium with atmospheric CO2(gas) with logariphm partial pressure -3.4 (411 ppm).
Equilibrium with solid phase calcite with account 7-fold subsurface supersaturation.





Beginning of initial solution calculations.


---Description of solution---Salinity 34---
  ---Description of solution---Salinity 36---
Density (g/cmВі)
Density (g/cmВі)
Volume (L)
Volume (L)
Activity of water
Activity of water
Ionic strength (mol/kgw)
Ionic strength (mol/kgw)
Total CO2 (mol/kg)
Total CO2 (mol/kg)
Electrical balance (eq)
Electrical balance (eq)
Osmotic coefficient
Osmotic coefficient
Gamma iterations
Gamma iterations

The 26 distribution of species were calculated, their Molality, Activity, Log Gamma and molar Volume. The concentration of fluorine F is set to zero in the database. Further calculations were performed without this element.

Then were calculated: Saturation Indices, SI, for 53 associated Phases, their logarithms of Ion Activity Product, IAP, and logarithm of equilibrium constant K under standard conditions 25°C and 1 atmosphere. The results of the calculations were saved in an intermediate simulation matrix, which is not presented here for brevity, but on its basis of following batch-reaction calculations were performed. Charge balance pH and adjusted to redox equilibrium pe.


--------Description of solution---Salinity 34---
  --------Description of solution---Salinity 36---
Charge balance pH
Charge balance pH
Adjusted to redox equilibrium pe
Adjusted to redox equilibrium pe
Density (g/cmВі)
Density (g/cmВі)
Volume (L)
Volume (L)
Activity of water
Activity of water
Ionic strength (mol/kgw)
Ionic strength (mol/kgw)
Total CO2 (mol/kg)
Total CO2 (mol/kg)
Electrical balance (eq)
Electrical balance (eq)
Osmotic coefficient
Osmotic coefficient
Gamma iterations
Gamma iterations






---------Distribution of species------Salinity 34------------   ---------Distribution of species-------Salinity 36-----------
mole V
mole V




-----------------Saturation indices----------Salinity 34----------
-----------------Saturation indices----------Salinity 36----------
log IAP
log K 
  (25 С, 1 atm)     Phase
log IAP
log K 
  CaSO4     Anhydrite
  CaCO3     Aragonite
  K2SO4     Arcanite
  Mg2CO3(OH)2:3H2O     Artinite
  MgCl2:6H2O     Bischofite
  Na2Mg(SO4)2:4H2O     Bloedite
  Na2(B4O5(OH)4):8H2O     Borax
  B(OH)3     Boric_acid,s
  Mg(OH)2     Brucite
  Na6CO3(SO4)2     Burkeite
  CaCO3     Calcite
  KMgCl3:6H2O     Carnallite
  SrSO4     Celestite
  CO2 Pressure 0.0 atm, phi 1.000     CO2(g)
  CO2 Pressure 0.0 atm, phi 1.000
  CaMg(CO3)2     Dolomite
  MgSO4:7H2O     Epsomite
  CaNa2(CO3)2:5H2O     Gaylussite
  NaK3(SO4)2     Glaserite
  Na2Ca(SO4)2     Glauberite
  K2Ca5(SO4)6H2O     Goergeyite
  CaSO4:2H2O     Gypsum
  H2O     H2O(g)
  NaCl     Halite
  MgSO4:6H2O     Hexahydrite
  CaMg3(CO3)4     Huntite
  K2B4O7:4H2O     K2B4O7:4H2O
  KMgClSO4:3H2O     Kainite
  KHCO3     Kalicinite
  KB5O8:4H2O     KB5O8:4H2O
  MgSO4:H2O     Kieserite
  Na4Ca(SO4)3:2H2O     Labile_S
  MgSO4:4H2O     Leonhardite
  K2Mg(SO4)2:4H2O     Leonite
  MgCO3     Magnesite


log IAP
log K 
log IAP
log K 


Reading input data for simulation 2. for Beginning of batch-reaction calculations.



---Phase assemblage-----------------------Salinity 34-----------   ---Phase assemblage-----------------------Salinity 36-----------
Moles in assemblage
Moles in assemblage
log IAP
log K(T, P)
log IAP
log K(T, P)



As a result of the increase in salinity from 34 to 36 parts per thousand in 1 kg of seawater, in theory, in order to achieve equilibrium (the status quo of surface water supersaturation), carbon dioxide CO2 (gas) must be absorbed from the atmosphere: 

8.624e-04 - 9.157e-04 = -0.566e-04 = -0.0566 mmol

Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential CCPP will change accordingly:

1.216e-03 - 1.145e-03 = 0.071e-03 = 0.071 mmol

Molar mass of CaCO3 is 40 Ca + 12 C + 16×3 O = 100 g/mol

and delta of deltas for calcite or CCPP will be 7.1 mg/kg seawater.

The results of the calculations are presented in the table and graph. 
The dependence of the precipitation potential of calcite, CO2 and salinity seawater. 
The Phase assemblage. SALTCOM.ORG

Proceeding in a similar manner, we created an array of proportionally calculated of major ions for each salinity value in the range of 25-45 ‰, and calculated the CCPP for each of them

. The results of these large calculations are presented in the table and graph. From which it can be seen that the dependence of the precipitation potential of calcite increases linearly over the entire range of salinities. Whereas, the CO2 gas associated with it in the phase assemblage has a non-linear dependence, with acceleration decreasing from the average salinity of the world ocean to more salty semi-closed and closed reservoirs (salt lakes).

Using the methods of chemical thermodynamics, we investigated what happens when salt is dissolved in seawater and the solution is diluted. We looked into the abyss of the ocean one order of magnitude, as much as the mathematical "lantern" allows.  






Calculation of the thermodynamics of salt dissolution in the ocean. Salinity increase from 34 to 36 ppt and carbonate precipitation potential.


34 36 35 34.5 34.25 34.125 34.0625 34.03125 34.015625 34.0078125 34.00390625
25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
8.0 8.2 8.1 8.05 8.025 8.0125 8.00625 8.003125 8.0015625 8.00078125 8.00039062
0.00223 0.00237 0.0023 0.002265 0.0022475 0.00223875 0.00223437 0.00223218 0.00223109 0.00223054 0.00223027
0.00040376 0.00042788 0.000416 0.00040988 0.00040682 0.00040529 0.00040452 0.00040414 0.00040395 0.00040385 0.00040380
0.00081917 0.00088681 0.000844 0.00083158 0.00082537 0.00082227 0.00082072 0.00081994 0.00081955 0.00081936 0.00081926
0.00999705 0.01059428 0.0103 0.01018525 0.01009115 0.01004410 0.01002057 0.01000881 0.01000293 0.00999999 0.00999852
0.52994117 0.56159999 0.546 0.53797058 0.53395587 0.53194852 0.53094484 0.53044300 0.53019208 0.53006662 0.53000389
0.00990000 0.01049142 0.0102 0.01005000 0.00997500 0.00993750 0.00991875 0.00990937 0.00990468 0.00990234 0.00990117
0.05124705 0.05430857 0.0528 0.05202362 0.05163533 0.05144119 0.05134412 0.05129558 0.05127131 0.05125918 0.05125311
0.48141176 0.51017142 0.496 0.48870588 0.48505882 0.48323529 0.48232352 0.48186764 0.48163970 0.48152573 0.48146874
0.02737058 0.02900571 0.0282 0.02778529 0.02757793 0.02747425 0.02742241 0.02739649 0.02738353 0.02737705 0.02737381
0.00008832 0.00009359 0.000091 0.00008966 0.00008899 0.00008865 0.00008848 0.00008840 0.00008836 0.00008834 0.00008833
0.001145 0.001216 0.001180 0.001163 0.001154 0.001149 0.001147 0.001146 0.001145 0.001145 0.001145
0.0009157 0.0008663 0.0008958 0.0009068 0.0009115 0.0009137 0.0009147 0.0009152 0.0009155 0.0009156 0.0009157
      x2 x4 x8 x16 x32 x64 x128 x256 x512
0.00 0.0000710 0.0000700 0.0000720 0.0000720 0.0000640 0.0000640 0.0000640 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.0000494 0.0000397 0.0000355 0.0000335 0.0000319 0.0000320 0.0000320 0.0000256 0.0000256 0.00




We assume that the reason for the annulment of the values of CCPP at large stages of dilution is an integer overflow, when the value of the arithmetic operation is out of range. In-depth calculations with an increase in the bit depth, the number of digits after the decimal point, show that the linear trend of the precipitation potential continues. This is also indicated by the linear nature of the dependence of CCPP on salinity, which also linearly depends on the mass of the solution.

If this is the case, then the CCPP of 1 kg of seawater is equal or nearly equal to the CCPP of 1 ton of water or perhaps 1000 tons, 1 mln kg. But in 1000 kg of seawater, there is a thousand times more not only calcium, and also all other ions, and in particular carbonate ones.

That is, carbonate precipitation reactions do not have any limiting factors of reactant concentrations, and at a constant temperature and pressure, the change in the reaction rate can be carried out only in a catalytic way. The change in salinity affects the change in rate of precipitation. This means that salt is the catalyst.

It is the main “engine” in the carbonate factory. It sounds paradoxical, but in a generalized sense it is true, all the properties of a catalyst are present in salinity. Individual elements in this system behave differently. For example, Mg2+ and SO42–, which are believed [29] to inhibit calcite precipitation, decrease the reaction rate. On the contrary, Na+ and Cl – increase the rate of calcite precipitation. And the general increase in the totality of sea salt ions leads to a significant increase in speed of carbonate sedimentation..


Chemical thermodynamics determines the changes in variables in the process and characterizing the state of the system. The word "time" is absent in this branch of physical chemistry.


The regularities of the course of chemical reactions over time are studied by Chemical kinetics which mathematically models reaction rates. In this case, we are dealing with a reversible reaction described by formula


 where k+1 and k–1 are the forward and reverse reaction rate constants.

 The change in reaction rates is associated with a change in the concentrations of reagents and is expressed in general terms using the law of mass action for the reaction rate. The rate of a chemical reaction at each moment of time is proportional to the concentrations of reagents raised to degrees equal to their stoichiometric coefficients.



The "point of contact" of chemical kinetics and chemical thermodynamics is the equilibrium constant Keq

 where Δf is a Gibbs free energy change per mole of reaction for unmixed reactants and products at standard conditions, T, is an absolute temperature, R, is a gas constant.

Knowing the equilibrium constant, it is possible to determine the reaction rates and calculate the relationship between salinity and CaCO3 precipitation. Before proceeding to the calculations of the kinetics of the deposition reaction, it is necessary to take time data somewhere, a starting point in an additional dimension.







We turned to the coryphaeus of oceanology Wallace Broecker and Taro Takahashi. In the 2001 paper "Factors controlling the rate of CaCO3 precipitation on Great Bahama Bank" [30], they studied the effect of calcium ion concentrations and salinity on the deposition of CaCO3 in a natural carbonate factory – Bahama Banks, and compared the results with an artificial "workshop" – Biosphere 2. The paper presents data from field measurements on a 50-kilometer shoal between Andros Island and the steep cliff border of a much deeper Strait of Florida. This white bottom plateau of carbonate minerals with a depth of 9 meters of seawater at the border of the strait gradually decreasing towards the island is an ideal model of CaCO3 deposition.

At a fairly constant temperature, the average value of which is about 28 °C and a relative standard deviation of values of just over 2 %, we see an increase in the salinity of seawater from 36.1 ‰ to 43.6 ‰ or by 7.5 ‰. Evaporation increases the concentration of salt and shifts the carbonate balance to the precipitation of CaCO3 (aragonite).

The productivity of this factory is quite high: the precipitation rate decreases from 12 moles per square meter per year at the bank edge to 1.5 mol/m2 year near Andros. The average value of 6 mol/m2 yr– 1 is accepted. Taking into account that the drop of depths of 0-9 meters at a distance of 50 km is a linear dependence on salinity, we can say that the average deposition rate of CaCO3 is carried out on a depth 4.5 meters (the average depth of the entire Bahama Banks), at a temperature of 28 ° C and the average salinity about 38 ‰ .





If we translate the range of deposition rates presented by the authors to the mass of seawater (cubic meter ~ ton), then we can see a unified ratio equal to 1.33.


removal rate (mol/m2 yr– 1 )
depth (meter)
ratio (~mol/ton seawater)


At a constant temperature, the change in CaCO3 removal rate depends only on the change in salinity. We took the ΔCaCO3 and Salinity data marked in the table and built a dependency graph in MS Excel.

Pay attention to the similarity of these graphs. But on the graph from the article on the horizontal axis is time (days), and on ours is the salinity (in ‰). Also on the vertical ordinate axis is the scale of calcium carbonate deposition translated to kilograms of seawater instead of square meters of the bottom surface in the original scientific paper. It is obvious that the translation of the resident time of the water on the Bank into its salinity is a linear process. Salinity, as a catalyst, "compresses" time, linearly accelerates the precipitation rate of carbonates. The whole system is reflected in other coordinates.

The nonlinearity of the deposition, the decrease in the precipitation rate with increasing salinity is determined by the consumption of Ca2+ ions, which, in fact, is investigated in this article. The authors point out that, despite the increase in calcium with increasing salinity (Ca 1.2 % in sea salt), in the saltiest water (43.6 ‰) in the lagoon near the island, the content of Ca2+ is 75 % less than in the water of the Straits of Florida due to the precipitation of CaCO3.

This compensation is expressed by some dependence (by polynomials with the specified formulas). Here, the calcium content in seawater is the limiting factor of the precipitation reaction of its carbonate mineral. Whereas carbonate CO32– and bicarbonate HCO3 ions can appear in water from dissolved atmospheric CO2, following Henry's Law.

Shallow water is a 2D environment in which Ca2+ ions can enter for reaction only through horizontal advection, so the rate slows down as they are consumed. The line of the graph deviates downwards. In the 3D environment of the open ocean, under the same conditions (at the same temperature at the same latitude), where the thickness of the seawater layer does not limit the intake of calcium ions, say, not 4.5 m, but 450 meters, the reaction rate will be unlimited with respect to Ca2+ and anything else. The dependence of the precipitation rate on salinity will be similar to a straight line, like to the CCPP graph on page 23.





The shallow waters of the Bahama Bank can be considered as a closed system, whereas for all types of water the CCPP for an open system is higher.[47]

Since the specific CCPP does not change or almost does not change when diluting the solution by at least three orders of magnitude, thousandfold (kg → ton, see p.25) then an artificial change in the salinity of the surface waters of the open ocean may be more productive for the deposition of CaCO3.

The open system not only has more reagents, Ca2+, CO32– and HCO3 ions, but also unicellular microcosm, cyanobacteria and viruses, centers of crystallization solid phase from solution.

The reversible reaction is a competition of the forward k+1 and reverse k–1 rates, crystallization and dissolution of CaCO3, therefore nucleation of solid phase centers can play a decisive role in the deposition rate. Classical nucleation theory points to two main kinetic factors: the ratio of volume to the surface area of the nucleation center (S = 4πR2 vs. V = 4/3πR3), that is, the minimization of nuclei, and their numerical quantity.

Recent studies [48] have shown that viral lysis of cyanobacteria can significantly affect the carbonate equilibrium system and promotes the formation and deposition of carbonate minerals. It has been established that 3-31 % of free-living bacteria are infected by viruses, vital parasites of cyanobacteria, which can modulate microbial production in the ocean. The study investigated one of the most widespread, smallest and most ancient cyanobacteria Synechococcus, which are play important roles to influence CaCO3 precipitation by taking up inorganic carbon via photosynthesis.

The thermodynamic calculation infers that virus induced cyanobacteria lysate theoretically can elevate the saturation index of carbonate minerals at the cellular level, by releasing cytoplasmic-associated bicarbonate. This thermodynamic calculation also highlights that the released cytoplasm-associated bicarbonate can be as much as ~23–fold greater than in the surrounding seawater, which can shift the carbonate chemistry toward the homogenous nucleation of calcium carbonate (such as vaterite).

Under normal conditions (pH 8.1), the distribution of DIC fractions is as follows: CO2(aq) ~ 1%, carbonate ion CO32– ~ 9% and bicarbonate ion HCO3 ~ 90%, precipitation occurs mainly with bicarbonate ion and CO2 release (see page 33). It follows that the precipitation process is self-sustaining to a certain limit.

The balance that has developed over millions and even billions of years thermodynamically conjugates the process of photosynthesis in picoplankton, the primary food chain, restrictions on its reproduction through viruses, which also stimulate the precipitation of carbonates, which releases CO2, which in turn stimulates the growth of cyanobacteria, and, accordingly, multiplicative growth in the number of viruses limiting the growth of picoplankton and simultaneously stimulating the precipitation of carbonates. This is the carbon cycle in the oceans.

An increase in the salinity of water moves all this complex of heterogeneous physical and chemical factors towards accelerating the circulation. Salt, or rather its electrical nature – the ionic strength, is a catalyst for the process of natural absorption and sink of carbon in the oceans.



Under suitable conditions, it is possible not only to stimulate "foraminiferal rain", but also to initiate the "whitening" in the open ocean. The mentioned 23-fold supersaturation in viral lysis allows this.




Broecker and Takahashi in the mentioned article refer to field studies of the Bahamas in 1962 and 1963, which are also presented in the main work of 1966 “Calcium carbonate precipitation on the Bahama Banks”[33.1], in which they draw the following conclusions regarding the processes of CaCO3 precipitation.

The mean present-day rate of aragonite precipitation, 50 mg/cm2 per year, can account for the acumulation of 1.5 m of carbonate mud during the past 5000 years.

Using the methods of radiocarbon analysis (C14/C12 ratio) and centrifugation of "whitening" seawater, the authors showed the inorganic nature of the "whitening" that occurs at the end of summer as a result of changes in the chemical characteristics of water, a change in the solubility constant of aragonite Karagonite due to an increase in salinity. They also point to the role of microorganisms in initiating this process (now we already know about the key role of viruses).


For every mole of CaCO3 that precipitate, 0.6 mole of CO2 is removed in the water, the bank seawater maintains a nearly constant CO2 partial pressure (here the authors represent the CO2 partial pressures in water collected by a submersible pump placed about 1 m below the sea surface).


  The authors state that "precipitation appears to be a second-order reaction, the rate being proportional to the degree of supersaturation". Using the data from this study, and assuming that the concentration of [Ca2+] ions is much higher than the carbonate ions [CO32–] (the excess method), we determined the reaction order by the method of iterating the kinetic equation using the Solver add-in in the Microsoft Excel program. The result is a partial order equal to 2.186.

It should be said here that there are scientific papers in which the dependence of the order of the calcite precipitation rate in seawater on its ionic strength (salinity) is investigated. In work[33] Mucci et al. investigated the influence of ionic strength on the kinetics of calcite precipitation from seawater. “Results of this study indicate that, when the ionic strength is increased from 0.10 to 0.93 M, the partial reaction order with respect to the [CO32–] concentration increases from 1 to 3 and the forward reaction rate constant k+1 increases by several orders of magnitude. 




This is interpreted as both a change in the calcite precipitation mechanism and a catalysis generated by the presence of inert electrolytes”.

“Applying our mode to the rate measurements carried out by Zhong and Mucci (1989) in seawater solutions at various salinities, under the compositional condition [Ca2+] >> [CO32–], we fifind that the partial reaction order with respect to the carbonate ion and the forward reaction rate constant increase as a function of the total Ionic strength of the seawater solutions. A 50 % increase of the total ionic strength of the parent solution results In an increase of the precipitation rate by 2 orders of magnitude.”

The authors conducted a series of experiments with different ionic strengths in NaCl–CaCl2 solutions, and derived a polynomial of the rate for seawater solutions.


Log R = 9.80I + 3.81 × I × Log [CO32–


with: 0.50 ≤ I ≤ 0.91 M which corresponds to a range of salinities between 25 and 44 ‰. Equation indicates that, when the carbonate ion concentration is between 10 and 100 mmol/kg, the rate of calcite precipitation increases by 2orders of magnitude as a result of a two-fold increase in the total ionic strength of the parent seawater solutions.

Using this and other[31]  polynomials numerically linking the salt and CO2 ratios, it is possible to construct a global matrix in which geographical coordinates, latitude ... longitude and time will also be present as the "master knowns".

Simultaneous solution of a system of equations, a set of "golden polynomials", will lead to the exact value of the physico-chemical impact at a specific point of the world ocean, expressed in tons of salt/CO2. It will be a simulation of a real environment, its thermodynamic parameters, an assemblage of phases in time, a kinetic model based on super- and hyper-assemblages (see Vision on page 49).

In order not to tire readers, we will present a rather rough estimate using the "Bahamian model" of carbon sequestration. If the previously mentioned ratio Salt/CaCO3 deposition of 1.33 mol/ton or 133 g/ton of seawater per year is compared with salt, which is 38 kilograms in this ton, the difference of 2 kg from starting point 36 ‰ (36.1 ‰, 28.2 °C and ΔCaCO3 = 0), gives the ratio of salt to the carbonate mineral 2000 / 133 = 15. The molar mass of CO2 in CaCO3 is 44 %, so the mass of deposited carbon dioxide will be 58.5 grams. 2000 / 58.5 ≈ 34. That is, conditionally, for sinking 1 ton of CO2 in solid carbonates, 34 tons of salt must be dissolved. This is in one year.

But the salt does not disappear anywhere and continues to influence the overall balance of the solubility of carbonates. So, in an idealized dimensionless space, the ratio of salt/CO2 becomes equal to 1/1 in 34 years. And for the generally accepted planning horizons up to 2030 and 2050, respectively, the salt/CO2 ratio will be equivalent to 34 / 7 year ≈ 5 and 34 / 27 ≈ 1.3 ton salt per 1 ton CO2 for 2050..

Time determines the specific consumption of salt.

Each part per million of CO2 in the atmosphere represents approximately 7.82 gigatonnes of CO2. Than now of excess carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere (417 – 280 ppm) × 7.82 Gt  = 1071 Gt. Since the pre-industrial period to 2019, approximately 2390 gigatonnes of CO2 has already been emitted globally. And, 2390 – 1071 = 1319 Gt, accordingly, it dissolved in the oceans, if its accumulation in organic form (kerogen) on land is considered negligible. Forecasts say that humanity will still emit at least 1000 Gt of CO2 by 2050.

Thus, in the medium-term planning, according to the "Bahamian model", to neutralize 3-4 thousand gigatons of excess CO2 at least 5000-7000 Gt of salt will be required.

Where to get so much salt?




Welcome to Kazakhstan

In the west of the country there is a vast area around the Caspian Sea called the Caspian Depression or the Pricaspian Lowland, the level of which is below the level of the Ocean.

Pricaspian Lowland, Kazakhstan.



There is the world's biggest evaporite deposit of salt of the ancient ocean. Gigantic volume of 1,6 mln km3 rock salt is 20 times greater than the volume of the all Caspian seawater (78 000 km3) or about 3,5 mln gigatons (petatons), is as much salt as evaporated from about 1/10 of the World Ocean.

Salt lies here in an almost continuous layer 2 – 5 km thick, dotted with salt formations called salt domes, as well as pillars, mushrooms, walls, diapirs, with a depth of 8 – 10 kilometers and diametrical dimensions from several to several hundred kilometers. Salt domes grow 0,5 – 1,3 mm per year from the ancient Permian layer about 300 millions years old, and most of them have reached the surface, on which, as a result of metamorphic weathering and leaching, stone hats or "caprocks" have formed. They composed of gypsum (CaSO4:2H2O) and fragments of poorly soluble rocks. Caprocks are usually 10 – 20 meters thick and look like small hills. In a number of domes, salt comes to the day surface.


Biggest in the world deposit of salt. 1200 salt domes.
Pricaspian Lowland, Kazakhstan.




Some of the domes are gigantic. For example, the area of the Shalkar salt massif is 2700 km2. It was formed by the confluence of at least seven separate stocks and contains 25,000 km3 of salt. Other large domes are Satimola and Inder with an area of 250 km2.

Biggest in the world deposit of salt.
Pricaspian Lowland, Kazakhstan.


On the map, light lines represent the boundaries of salt accumulations, black lines are railways. Salt domes emerging to the surface often have a flat dome mirror due to surface metamorphism. They represent uplifts in the form of a plateau-like hill, rising 20-25 meters above the surrounding desert. Due to the different nature of the dissolution and precipitation of salts, there are numerous deposits of potassium salts and borates. One of these is a large borates deposit in the area of the salt lake Inder, 150 km north of Atyrau. The Inder borates deposit has been industrially exploited since the 70s, and intensive opencast mining began in the 80s. However, after Kazakhstan gained its independence, the production and enrichment of borate raw materials stopped. Currently, the town of Inderbor specializes in the processing of building gypsum, which line the entire plateau with a thickness of about 50 meters.

This "terra incognita" is actually well studied by geological prospecting [36] [37] [38] [39], gravimetric 3D maps have been compiled [35], the chemical compositions of salts and sedimentary rocks have been investigated [40] [41], a large number of wells have been drilled as part of the exploration of potash salts for agricultural fertilizers (initiated in the food interests of China and India ).

There is basic infrastructure: railways, sea ports and electricity.


Bucket wheel excavators in a coal open mine.
Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan.

 Since the salt actually lies on the surface, everything is ready for large-tonnage open pit mining using bucket wheel excavators with direct loading into railway wagons. Just as, for example, coal is mined in Kazakhstan's Ekibastuz.(100 mln. tons per year, and more than 2 Gt has already been mined). The cost of saltmining this way is $10-20 per ton.




The map shows the different routes for transporting salt.



The map shows the different routes for transporting salt.
Kazakhstan`s sciencers proposed to salt the Ocean.



It is logical to transport sea salt by sea, but the Caspian is in fact an isolated lake. Access to the ocean can be carried out through the Volga and the Volga-Don canal, which is capable of handling medium-sized dry cargo vessels with a deadweight of up to 10,000 tons and a draft of no more than 5 meters. There are about a hundred of such class of cargo ships in the Caspian, but there would be a reason, and there could be thousands of them.

Proportion of rail traffic can be varied. And also can use the transport corridor from the Azerbaijani capital Baku to the Black Sea ports of Georgia and Turkey.

To organize the delivery of salt to its final points (in the ocean), it is necessary to create intermediate hubs, storage, sorting and averaging warehouses. They may be located somewhere on the coast of Europe or Africa.


Salt warehouses and hubs.  

 Gibraltar. Ships, CO2 sinking technology.
Kazakhstan`s sciencers proposed to salt the Ocean.



Global life hacks

Of course, salt should be added to seawater only in dissolved form. So that the local concentration does not exceed the total salinity by more than 4-5‰. This can be done using a flow tank, which is found on almost every ship, and also pumps, valves, sensors for water flow, salinity or an measuring instrument thermosalinograph An important factor is the temperature difference of the thermocline, which can be exploited by lowering the brine hose to the optimum subsurface layer. To accelerate the dissolution of salt, it can use air bubbling from the compressor. Double-circuit circulation is also possible.

Surface warm water pumped into a less warm subsurface layer tends to float. However, thermal diffusion is faster than salt diffusion (hours and days versus months), and over time, the already cooled, but still salty water sinks down. The total time of the diffusion trace is comparable and in most cases longer than the life cycle of foraminifera, therefore it has a direct effect. However, the contribution of these ions to the overall balance of the Ocean ions, although very small, remains a small countable value.


CO2 sinking technology.
 Precipitation calcite CaCO3 from seawater.
Kazakhstan`s sciencers proposed to salt the Ocean.


The illustration shows the basic equation for the formation of calcite from bicarbonate and calcium ions. From which it follows that when the solid phase falls out, carbon dioxide is released. CO2 further dissociates and participates in a variety of reactions, including a reaction of photosynthesis.


6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2


Carbon dioxide and water molecules form a carbohydrate (sugar), а basis of organic matter, and oxygen. This means that the deposition of solid carbonates by carbonate-fixing organisms is associated with fixation of CO2 by phytoplankton. I.e. activation of the growth of foraminifera also activates the growth of the primary food for it – photosynthetic picoplankton, the smallest, oldest and most abundant cyanobacteria of Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, which are responsible for approximately 50 % of carbon fixation in the marine environment, making them an important carbon sink through a biological carbon pump.

CO2 is a universal and most important nutrient for all photosynthetic microorganisms. Therefore, it is rational for the diffusion trace to be concentrated at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), usually 5-10 m below the surface.



Since salting is limited in concentration, it is reasonable to expand it horizontally in order to increase productivity using ship-harvesters or 'CO2 sequesters' connected by a brine pipeline.


CO2 sequesters. 
Kazakhstan`s sciencers proposed to salt the Ocean.


With help of these CO2 sequesters, we can draw additional lungs for the planet.

Speaking in sports, a second breath will open.

This mild, environmentally friendly impact on the carbon balance system will work as a CO2 pump from the atmosphere. The widespread adoption of technology will have a noticeable, experimentally measurable effect. And since there is no limit to scaling, it will evolve into a giant green industry.

Together with international efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, its active sequestration in the depths of the Ocean will first slow down global warming and then completely stop it. And even be able to reduce atmospheric CO2 from today's 417 to 280 ppm pre-industrial levels in 1850. Back to the future.

In the future, humanity will be able to control not only the global climate and atmosphere, but also control the weather, influence it, for example, cancel hurricanes (see below Vision).


 But already now it is possible to control the change in the salinity of the Ocean's surface from space using a satellite

Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS)

of the European Space Agency.

The spacecraft has been scanning the planet's surface in the microwave range for 12 years and generating a surface salinity map with an accuracy of 1‰. The interesting Big Data has been accumulated and available to everyone on the mission website.



Salt deposits are found on all continents of the Earth, in many countries and under the seabed. Salt is extracted by open pit mining, underground mine workings and in liquid form by drilling wells, pumping out and evaporating brine. In places where the transport leverage of the logistics allows for the transport of brine water, a liquid CO2 sequestration scheme is possible. In addition to brine mining, Underground Gas Storage is also widespread in the form of artificially created caverns in salt layers. There are hundreds of such storage facilities for gas and oil products in a number of European countries, USA, Russia and China. Technologies for the creation and operation of underground reservoirs have long been developed.

 Salt brine mining. Creating  caverns in the underground salt layers.
CO2 sequesters. Oil platform. Salt brine derrick.
Mother salt layer. Salt dome. Porus limestone & dolomites.  
Kazakhstan`s sciencers proposed to salt the Ocean.


The mother salt layer is of varying thickness. In the salt basin of the Gulf of Mexico, it averages 1–1.5 km, under the bottom of the Persian Gulf, about 2 km, under the bottom of the Atlantic in the Santo salt and oil basin near Rio de Janeiro 3–4 km, and under the northern Caspian Sea 4–5 kilometers, much more than a layer of seawater above it, 5–25 meters.

The world's total land and underground salt deposits (not dissolved in seawater) are very large. Currently, nobody has yet quantified their mass. Based on the study of a large amount of scattered data about all salt deposits of the Earth, it became clear that in the land and underground salt is more than in the Ocean. We estimate it by 1.5 times or about 60 mln gigatons. About the equal as estimated total sedimentary carbonates (> 60 mln Gt) in the form of limestone and dolomite.




Everyone knows the roof of the world, the Himalayas and the highest mountain of the Earth, Everest, 8.85 km high, but few people know that in the Caspian Lowland there are dozens of underground salt mountains with a height of more than 10.7 km. We open the salt of the Earth for the society.


 Salt of the Earth.  
Average salinitty of seawater is 3.5 % or 35 kg per ton or 35 ppt, parts per thousand.
Oceanic dissolved salt: 36 - 46 million gigatons (according to various estimates).
Land and underground undissolved salt: 60 million gigatons.    SALTCOM.ORG




Surprisingly, in the 90-year history of the idea of ocean fertilization (fertilizing with iron since 1930), there is not a single proposal to look at the problem comprehensively.

Everybody is looking for "magic pills" like iron, nitrogen and phosphorus or some cocktails of elements, but nobody has seen the entire table of elements dissolved in water in the form of sea salt.

Everybody worries that glaciers and polar caps are melting, but nobody has thought about where this melt water is going (spreads over the ocean surface due to the fact that fresh water is lighter than salty) and how to compensate for this desalination or acidification of the ocean, "evil twin of global warming".

Everybody worries about the death of corals. They even found out the salinity limit for their vital activity (>32 ‰). But nobody said: SALT WATER, HELP CORALS!

We have studied thousands of scientific papers and documents, but nowhere have we found such a simple idea. In the scientific world, it is completely absent. Maybe someone will say: I said before... in the kitchen. Well... We will say: very nice! Let's join us. We stay on the threshold of great change. Like a chinese wisdom says, the way of a thousand gigatons starts with one ton.



If we look at past changes in CO2 in the earth's atmosphere[15], we can see regular fluctuations in the 200 - 300 ppm range. Any scientist or engineer will confirm that in order to establish an oscillatory process, different direction forces with nonlinear feedback are needed. This is how all oscillators work. For example, an electric oscillator uses a cyclic transfer of energy between a magnetic field in a coil and an electric field in a capacitor. But what forces are involved in natural oscillatory cycles? If we exclude cosmological factors and temperature, which shows the thermodynamic result of these fluctuations, then there will be a carbonаte balance and a nonlinearly related ionic level of seawater or its salinity. Primarily its surface waters.



There is also the “coral reef hypothesis”, which states that shelf flooding during glacial melt and ocean level rise is a significant contributor to carbonate deposition and therefore affects atmospheric CO2 levels. This hypothesis does not contradict ours, it can be considered as subharmonics of the general oscillatory process in nature. Since carbonates are salts of carbonic acid, this is the flow of energy between carbon and non-carbon salts.



Coral polyps contribute to the deposition of carbonates. However, it is significantly less than the total contribution of calcite-fixing unicellular microorganisms, such as foraminifera and coccolithophorids. In addition, these microorganisms are present everywhere, not only in shallow water, but also in deep waters and on the seabed.

Among the three main factors of carbon balance in the ocean: temperature, pressure and salinity, at low values, pressure has the smallest effect. Lysocline, the boundary of dissolution of carbonate deposits is located at a depth of several thousand meters and at a pressure of hundreds of atmospheres. 10 meters of water or 1 atm is very small values. Whereas small changes in salinity of 1 ‰ significantly affect the deposition of carbonates from seawater and the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere.



 At the level of everyday understanding, salt is an antiseptic and a conservant. Since ancient times, its ability to suppress the vital activity of microorganisms has been known. Here it is appropriate to say in the words of Paracelsus that everything is poison, everything is medicament, and both are determined by the dose ("The dose makes the poison").

Nobody from readers of this document will be able to taste the difference in salinity of water 2-4 ‰. Perhaps dolphins or whales will be able to, but this will not affect their life in any way, because they make regular migrations from the surface to a depth of tens and hundreds of meters, and some even kilometers, constantly living in the same conditions of changing salinity. If marine animals live in the coastal zone, then they experience much greater differences in salinity, up to 10 ‰ and higher[51].

The vast majority of marine life can be considered euryhaline organisms for such small differences in salinity. Mollusks, jellyfishes, arthropods, sea urchins, worms, turtles and all kinds of fish. Many common species such as herring, sprat, sea bass, sharks and others easily tolerate changes in salinity of more than 20 ‰, and species such as, for example, salmon and eel can generally live and spawn in completely different waters of the sea and rivers with a salinity difference from 0.3 to 38 ‰.

Microworld of a simplest unicellular organisms demonstrates a high tolerance to small changes in salinity. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria, including the smallest piko-sized species Prochlorococcus and Sinecoccus, which absorb more CO2 than all of Earth's forests, also have a large salinity gap. Cyanobacteria, as the most ancient species, gravitate towards life in conditions of increased salinity than today. There is some utility in the increased ionic level of seawater.

This is noticeable in comparison of salty seas such as the Red or Caribbean, where we observe an abundance of life with the less salty Baltic and Caspian seas with relatively scarce flora and fauna.


more life!
salinity seawater
Caspian sea
Caribbean sea
Baltic sea
Red sea
more life!



       Which CO2 removal is more efficient, organic or inorganic?

We do not agree with the stereotyped cliché that forests are the lungs of the planet. The absorption of carbon dioxide by forest vegetation is compensated by the decomposition of dead organic matter back into water and CO2. Since the Carboniferous period (360-300 million years ago), many aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and fungi have learned to effectively decompose cellulose, the most common organic compound on Earth (about 59 % of organic matter).

Any significant accumulation of carbon in the soil is impossible in modern conditions, most of it is returned to circulation. If this were not so, then we would walk at kilometer-depth layers of soil and organic humus, but in reality the average thickness of the soil is 20-30cm, and under the densest jungle does not exceed 2 m.

This means that O2 and microorganisms that decompose dead organic matter work faster than its photosynthetic producers. Therefore, planting trees as a way to sequester CO2 has a short-term effect. After the death of a plant, almost all of the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere within a few years.

The real lungs of the planet are the carbonate factories of the ocean. For example, the Bahama Banks are a carbonate platform 4 km deep. This is the result of CO2 sequestration over the past 150 million years.

The amount of accumulated inorganic carbon on Earth is four orders of magnitude greater than the amount of all organic matter. Deposits of carbonates of kilometer and many hundred meters thickness are found everywhere. Examples are the Dolomitic Alps in Italy or the limestones of Europe's highest mountain, France's Mont Blanc. The ratio of organic-inorganic carbon is colorfully illustrated by the Chalk cliffs of the coast of the English Dover, about 120 meters high (together with subsurface layers of about 400 meters of carbonates).

Carbon in the organic and inorganic matters.


In the ocean, the cycle of organic carbon is similar to land. A huge number of microorganism species decompose organic matter in the entire water column and up to several meters deep in bottom sediments. Remineralization or transformation of organic matter into its simplest inorganic forms is carried out through the electron acceptor cascade: O2 reduction → NO3- denitrification → Mg2+ reduction → Fe3+ reduction → SO2- sulfate reduction → CH4 methanogenesis.

The cycle of organics is closed so that only 1 mole out of 1000 has a chance to be deposited in kerogen for a long period of time. Comparing organic and inorganic carbon dioxide sequestration as machines with 0.1 and 100 % efficiency is hardly relevant.



Since CO2 storage is effective in inorganic form only, we do not want us to be confused with various "fertilizers" of the ocean and other accelerators of organic growth. We have nothing to do with pseudoscientific tricks, do not replace reality, but look into the essence of nature through the laws of thermodynamics. The calculation of all changes in Gibbs energy indicates that our technology is perhaps the only energetically profitable today. In any case, among all globally scalable.

The introduction of individual elements into seawater is an imbalance that leads to a chain of effects that does not have long-term results in carbon storage, and often negatively affects natural CO2 absorption. For example, dissolved phosphates are the main inhibitory factor for CaCO3 deposition in seawater.[34] That is, both intentional "fertilization" and careless runoff of agricultural fertilizers through rivers into the ocean is a direct braking of the natural process of carbon storage.

The main claim of ecologists to the fertilization of the ocean with iron salts, nitrates, phosphorus compounds, etc. is a concept of "pollution" – "this is the introduction into the natural environment or the emergence in it of new, usually not typical physical, chemical or biological agents (pollutants), or the excess of their natural average long-term level in various environments, leading to negative impacts".


more life! 
The fish kill due to an imbalance of ions and the rapid reproduction of microorganisms during the harmful algal bloom.
more life!
We can STOP GLOBAL WARMING and prevent many natural disasters.

The fish kill due to an imbalance of ions and the rapid reproduction of microorganisms during the harmful algal bloom.


But sea salt is not a "non-typical agent" for the sea. It is an integral part of seawater, changing in local places in the ocean and at different depths (halocline). All insoluble salt on the Earth is the result of the evaporation of the oceans, in which the ratio of ions has not changed significantly over the past 500 million years. Of course, various salt deposits can have a variable composition depending on the conditions of deposition, but the advantage of salt, as mineral raw materials, in its simple averaging to sea composition both in dry form and through the brine.

By increasing salinity, on the contrary, we are helping the ocean to work better, absorb CO2 pollutant emissions. We strengthen its stability, increase the buffer capacity. There are no negative impacts. We only return the accumulated to nature, restoring the balance. We are driving the overall growth of ocean biomass. Everything becomes proportionally larger. More picoplankton, more plankton, more fish, more dolphins and whales. Ecologists have nothing to blame us for.

Let's say even more. More energy. More cement and steel, houses and factories. More cows and more food. More people, more life! We are opposed to the modern philosophy of "anti-growth" and are skeptical about the contractual capacity of CO2 restrictions and effectiveness containment.

If you need to burn fuel – burn it, get energy, develop, emit CO2, but compensate for it. Take into account your unaccounted externalities. Please clean up after yourself.

Since the salt technology of CO2 removal is energetically profitable, and its cost is an order of magnitude less than production and burning of oil, salt can be built into the modern energy economy.




      Cui prodest? Who benefits from salt technology for removing CO2 from the atmosphere?

We will put off for the future discussions on SALTCOM`25 about how long carbon can be stored in the form of carbonate ions at great depths, below the calcite lysocline (3-4 km), when calcified skeletons falling to the bottom and under the influence of high pressure and low temperatures (calcite has reverse solubility from temperature) completely dissolve into ions. These ions may take considerable time to reach the surface: centuries and millennia. What has fallen to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and dissolved there in the form of ions will very, very not soon return to the surface circulation.

Let us focus on the physicochemical final destination of the CO2 gas → ions → solid phase transition, the precipitation of insoluble carbonates and their depositing for a long-time perspective of thousands and millions of years. That is, the depths are above the carbonate lysocline, above 3 km. Mostly shallow water and oceanic continental shelves.

Shallow waters, located at a distance of 370 km from the baseline of the coast, are Exclusive economic zones of the coastal States. According to Article 56 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, “In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds”.


Many coastal countries will find themselves owners of natural carbonate factories that can not only clean the atmosphere from CO2, but also bring significant income to these states. Since the majority of the world's population is concentrated in coastal areas, and salt deposits are present in most countries, the obvious can be argued: countering the upcoming climate crisis is beneficial to everyone, and most have the potential to make money from it.

This green technology will create millions of jobs and infrastructure for land and sea transport. It will become the driving force of global economic growth.

Seawaters suitable for depth and other characteristics also exist outside the exclusive economic zones in International waters, which are in common and equal use by all countries, including 44 Landlocked country. Among which 15 countries have salt deposits and the largest is the Republic of Kazakhstan.




The atmosphere is the most variable environment on the planet. Its changes are largely related to changes in the ocean. It is thermodynamically coupled to water not only through Henry's law, but also through Raoult's law (both of these laws are interrelated), which relates the composition of water, its salinity, to the saturation vapor pressure above it.


Raoult's law. According to this law, the vapor pressure of seawater 
equal to the product of the water mole fraction in seawater 
and water’s vapor pressure in the pure state. 
The mole fraction of water in seawater is a function of the salinity. SALTCOM.ORG

By changing the salinity of the surface, we can influence not only the absorption of CO2, but also the evaporation of water in the local place, thereby affecting its main atmospheric mover – water vapor, gaseous H2O. For given small changes in salinity of 2-4 ‰, the change in saturation vapor pressure is very small, but given the high volatility of the atmosphere, it can be used to influence air currents. Smart use of this instrument will allow, through small costs, to control the large forces and energies of nature.

The illustration shows how we will be able to deflect and cancel a hurricane.


Hurricane Irma 2017, fatalities 134 people, damage $77.16 billion.
Track deviatioon and attenuation
butterfly effect
We can STOP GLOBAL WARMING and prevent many natural disasters.




To see the future, we need to look mindfully at the past. In the illustration there is a map of ocean salinity, a surface scan from the SMOS spacecraft for September 10, 2017. We can see the timeline of evolution of hurricane and the factors that influenced it.


Track Hurricane Irma 2017. 
SMOS satellite salinity map of September 10,  2017
Track deviation depend from salinity seawater.
We can STOP GLOBAL WARMING and prevent many natural disasters.


Irma is a devastating Category 5 Cape Verde-type hurricane associated with the name of the islands off the west coast of Africa. These hurricanes are powerful, usually appearing in the area of tropical waves that form in the African savannah during the rainy season. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean, they accumulate great energy and bring it down on America.

Passing along the path at relatively equal temperatures (the Sun evenly heats the surface of the Earth), the increase in their intensity is largely due to differences in the salinity of seawater. Above desalinated waters at the same temperature, according to Raoult's law, the value of the partial pressure of water vapor is higher, the internal energy of the system is greater. Therefore, there is a sharp increase in the category of hurricane over the flow areas of the large rivers of South America. On the map, we see how the hurricane reaches its maximum as it passes over the Orinoco River runoff area.

Here it should be noted that not only global warming, but also, to a large degree, the desalination of the surface waters of the World Ocean due to the melting of the polar caps and glaciers create a tendency to increase the frequency of natural disasters and the growth of their destructive power.

Local changes in salinity along the path of a hurricane can significantly change its trajectory. Possessing a large internal energy of water vapor, but a relatively small mass of moist air, a hurricane is very volatile in motion. Small areas of low or high salinity seawater can dramatically change the direction of its movement. We see how low vapor pressure over the salty waters of the Bahama Bank (red spot on the map) deflects hurricane's path 60 degrees towards Florida. If this salinity spot had not existed, then Irma have continued its way, increased its power due to the runoff of the Mississippi, and would have hit the western coast of the Gulf of Mexico. It can be said that the salty waters of the Bahama Bank harmed Florida, but saved Houston, Austin and Boca Chica from the superstorm.

If we take into account that the size of this salinity spot is much smaller than the hurricane (about 1/6 of its diameter), then it can be assumed that in the initial conditions of its formation, when the whirlwind was small, the artificial deflection area can be very small, only a few kilometers.



We are not going to chase tropical cyclones like hurricane hunters. Based on the accumulated data and numerical weather prediction, we get the opportunity not only to predict, but also to form events, change the weather and ultimately control it.

The answer to the intermediate question of life, death, home Earth, and everything, may be the Great American Saltwall — a set of the artificial carbonate factories which may be located above the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. There are suitable conditions for the precipitation of carbonates: a depth of 1-1.5 km, high temperature and salinity. The bottom sediments here are half carbonates (40-60 % CaCO3, see map on page 7).

The map shows the tracks of 19 devastating Category 4-5 Cape Verde-type hurricanes that killed more than 4000 people and caused more than $300 billion in cumulative damage.


The map shows the tracks of 19 devastating Category 4-5 Cape Verde-type hurricanes that killed more than 4000 people and caused more than $300 billion in cumulative damage.
Great American Saltwall — a set of the artificial carbonate factories.
We can STOP GLOBAL WARMING and prevent many natural disasters.


The systematic deviation of the initial pre-hurricanes, cyclones into the zone of anticyclone will lead to their “annihilation”. That is, the energy stored with moist air from African savannah will be directed to the large calm region of the Atlantic of about the 30s latitudes. During sailing navigation this area was called "horse latitudes" due to the long periods of calms.

On the salinity map, this area is an orange-red, high salinity zone 37-38 ‰. Here you need to understand that the satellite measures the salinity of 2 cm of the surface, while the bottom waters are everywhere in oceans less than 35 ‰, that is, by about 3 ‰ less.

The energy stored in a water vapor will dissipate through the waves in the deserted part of the Atlantic Ocean, contributing to the mixing of the surface layers, which means acceleration of the absorption of CO2 by the ocean from the atmosphere. The initial excess of energy can be directed to useful work instead of natural disasters, damage and deaths.

Above the desalinated waters at the same temperature, the vapor pressure is higher, the air has greater heat capacity and internal energy. This energy supply and attract a hurricane. For example, Katrina 2005 is the most destructive hurricane in the history of the USA, despite the short track inside the Mexican Gulf, quickly gained strength to the 5th category, actually moving along the gradient of salinity to the mouth of the Mississippi River. In the distance of critical hurricane amplification to the highest category, the surface salinity decreased from 40 to less than 1 ‰ of river water, that is, by 4 %, and, accordingly [46], vapor pressure as a function of salinity increased by approximately on 0.08 kPa or about 2,2 %, that is almost on half of salt. Gibbs Free Energy of seawater increased by about on 1 kJ/kg or almost on 25 % with maximum on 10 ‰ of salinity. Knowing thermophysical property data of seawater with reference points in depth (0, 714 , 1224 m. from MIT [46]) we can build a 3D map of movement of energy actually online. Using data from spacecraft and a international Argo program, it is now possible to know everything about the oceans and all water.

Here we note that Mississippi carries fresh water above huge underground deposits of rock salt, the thickness of which is several hundred and thousands of meters. Moreover, massive layers of salt with diapirs are located directly under the mouth of the river, New Orlean and under the track of Katrina on the desalinated surface of the Mississippi river flow in the Gulf... Speaking of the Latin proverb: "sapienti sat".




Similar weather patterns occur on the west of the Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes here are called typhoons. They also reach high power and even more lethality. For example, Typhoon Haiyan 2013 or Super Typhoon Yolanda killed more than 8 thousand people.


The map shows the typhoon tracks 1980-2005.
Network artificial carbonate factories, deviation pattern. 
Salinity seawater, wind speed scale, m/s
We can STOP GLOBAL WARMING and prevent many natural disasters.


The situation in the region is aggravated by a significant desalination of the surface water of the Pacific Ocean (see salinity map) due to the large continental runoff from Eurasia and Global Atmospheric Circulation . The salinity of the ocean surface here is much lower than the average world – about 29-32 ‰. Accordingly, higher air humidity. At a standard temperature and pressure, moist air at maximum saturation has a density of 28.51 g/mol, while under the same conditions the average molar mass of air is 28.57 g/mol. Moist air has more buoyancy, it rise up like bubbles in boiling water.

If we look at the water vapor map on the next page, we can see a rather motley picture of atmospheric moisture in this region. Due to the relief of the bottom, islands and currents, here in the late summer and autumn the heated ocean regularly forms some “a boiler”, generator and amplifier of typhoons. This season is dominated by winds that blow from the warm ocean to the mainland and carry these turbulent masses of atmospheric water to the densely populated coast. It is believed that the season of typhoons is inevitable.

But every cook knows that if to add salt to a boiling soup, the boiling will decrease or stop.

The difference between a Pacific pool and a soup pot is in the degree of impact. When talking about global warming or ocean acidification, this refers to a thin layer near the surface ± several tens of meters. Whereas the depth of the oceans is much greater. The average depth of the World Ocean is 3688 m, and the Pacific Ocean is even more – 4280 m. That is, the changeable part is very small, its size is three orders of magnitude smaller than the unchangeable part. Even if all the fossil fuels were mined and burned, and all the biomass carbon was oxidized to CO2 and dissolved in seawater, this would have very little effect on the total carbon content in the ocean (see Size of carbon reservoirs on the Earth on page 2).

On the contrary, if the huge reserves of salt on land, underground and under the ocean are dissolved in seawater, then it is theoretically possible to increase its salinity by two and a half times to 82 ‰, make a “new Cretaceous period” and chemically precipitate all carbon into carbonate minerals.

So, in order to increase the salinity by 2-4‰ of the upper 10 m of water for 1 km2, only 20-40 thousand tons of salt are needed, the amount comparable to the deadweight of one ship. This regional anti-typhoon system will require a fleet of several hundred ships, what is possible already now.

Given that the salt diffusion into the lower layers takes weeks or months, conditionally, a month is always more than the presence of vapor in the atmosphere, which is limited to 9 days, then the game of people with the boundary of seawater and atmosphere, a kind of typhoon cancellation game that can continue for centuries. The game in which humanity will always win over nature.



But for now, people are very vulnerable. For example, the surface of the Indian Ocean is very desalinated, especially the northern and eastern parts, 25-28 ‰. High humidity regularly torments all coasts with disasters. So Cyclone Bhola 1970 passed through the semi-fresh Bay of Bengal, gained strength, entered the mouth of the Ganges river, killed 0.5 million (!) people, and caused the formation of a new state of Bangladesh.


Is it possible to cancel natural disasters? 

Many climatic and weather problems can be solved with our technology. It is possible to cancel not only hurricanes and cyclones, but also to destroy stable anticyclones, sources of abnormal heat and forest fires. It will also be possible to cancel other natural disasters: heavy rains, hail and snowfalls, storm surge, floods and mudflows, extreme heatwave, drought and desertification.


How to cancel natural disasters?

Many climatic and weather problems can be solved with salting technology. It is possible to cancel not only hurricanes and cyclones, but also to destroy stable anticyclones, sources of abnormal heat and forest fires. It will also be possible to cancel other natural disasters: heavy rains, hail and snowfalls, storm surge, floods and mudflows, extreme heatwave, drought and desertification.

Extreme events are not obligatory in nature. Нumanity is already ready to make its home comfortable.

 Once the technology reaches a certain scale, when the CO2 sequestration becomes widespread, it will be possible to control the movement of water in the atmosphere through artificial sky rivers or vapor canals. Such hydro engineering can be more cost-effective than the construction of land-based water canals, more dynamic, more flexible, more environmentally friendly, more scalable and more functional. Thus, the excess atmospheric waters of the Indian Ocean can be dynamically directed to irrigation of the Arabian deserts, contribute to the softening of the climate of the region and the transformation of lifeless sands into flowering gardens. 





Two weeks is the ultimate barrier for weather forecasting, due to a fundamental problem in mathematical modeling. The theoretical basis for describing the dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans are the Navier-Stokes equations.


These are partial differential equations that describe the motion of viscous fluid substances and are used to model weather, atmospheric and ocean currents, and in various technical calculations from aviation to water pipes. But, despite the widespread use in modeling of many natural phenomena and technical tasks, the understanding of this system of equations is incomplete. To date, there is no general analytical solution to the equations. This is called the Navier–Stokes existence and smoothness problem, the most important and practical of the seven unsolved mathematical problems, known as the Millennium Prize Problems, for which the the Clay Mathematics Institute awarded a prize of $1 million in 2000.

The fact is that without a smooth solution of the system of equations, they can be solved only by numerical methods, in which the discretization creates incoming errors. Despite numerous compensation and optimization algorithms, these small errors accumulate and do not allow meteorologists to look into the future for more than two weeks.

While some claim to have found a complete solution, and others prove that it is impossible to find a solution in three-dimensional Euclidean space, many of the TOP 500 supercomputers in the world process huge numerical data and partial derivatives for weather forecasting models.

We look forward to the future with anticipation and optimism and believe that either a smooth solution will be found, say, with the help of AI, or progress in computing power will allow us to implement a global climate and weather management system. Our confidence in this is strengthened by the fact that macrostructures like a hurricane can be viewed as 2D objects. The thickness of the atmosphere is negligible compared to the radius of the Earth. Usually hurricanes are called “enormous”, “the size of the state of Texas“, i.e. 1000-2000 km, but its height is only 13-15 km. The ratio of 15/2000 = 0.0075 is very small, and they can be considered as two-dimensional turbulent vortices. The main difference between 2D turbulence and 3D turbulence is in the direction of energy transfer in the spectrum. In a 3D environment, large turbulent vortices break up into smaller ones, which, in turn, into even smaller ones, which then lose their energy (slow down) due to the action of non-conservative forces. In a 2D environment, on the contrary, small vortices reinforce each other, folding and creating ever larger vortices (hurricanes).

But a smooth solution of the system of Navier-Stokes equations in a two-dimension… Already exists.

It was published by Olga Ladyzhenskaya, head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Physics at St. Petersburg University, in 1959. [44]


Russian mathematician Olga Ladyzhenskaya from St. Petersburg University has found a solution to the Navier-Stokes equations. SALTCOM.ORG



Olga Alexandrovna has worked on hydrodynamics issues for more than half a century, taught at the university, published 250 scientific papers, monographs and a textbook on which a whole generation of mathematicians, specialists in partial derivatives, those who now determine the world and future, have grown up.

In the 2003 article “Sixth problem of the millennium: Navier-Stokes equations, existence and smoothness” she writes: “In 1966, I found a special three-dimensional problem for the Navier-Stokes system for which I succeeded in proving the global unique solubility of the Cauchy problem and an initial boundary value problem on domain of revolution about the axis x3. All the data of the problem and all the solutions have rotational symmetry, namely, the cylindrical components of velocity field and the forces as well as the pressure p do not depend on angle of rotation, and moreover, and . In this case we deal with a three-dimensional situation, but not fully developed…”

A deep understanding of Ladyzhenskaya's works is the foundation on which the global weather management system will be built. This 2D++ approach allows we to reduce the amount of initial calculations and scale with increasing resolution of global coordinates. Gradually adding new dimensions in the form of 2D layers and establishing relations between the layers, we can grow a global math model. Multi-model ensembles with error correction can be very accurate, but if we combine this "super-assemblage" with models of various physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere and ocean, then we can get a complete mathematical representation of reality, a hyper-ensemble [45] with which we can manage this reality. But this requires a lot of computing power.

We put certain hopes on NVIDIA’s supercomputer Earth-2, on Japanese Earth Simulator and other powerful systems. However, in our time of 5G networks and high-speed satellite internet, the problem of capacity can be solved by cluster distribution of computing among many low-power computers.

We have a dream – to create an international HYPERNET, a kind of portal to the world of supercomputers, where teams from different countries could calculate different models and implement them into a general global system. The core of this multi-layered system, "cabbage-stump” can be located in some clouds, in orbit, in Antarctica or somewhere else, where there is independence from the jurisdiction of individual countries or the decisions of individual companies. We want to unite people and nations into a Humanity capable of solving planetary problems.



SALTCOM HYPERNET is a portal to the world of supercomputers.

SALTCOM HYPERNET is the solution to global warming.



      This system will be created, there is no doubt, because it is a source of money.




Each nexus from mining, preparation, storage and transportation of salt to the final dissolution in seawater is a block that is connected to a system of similar blocks in other places in the world. This global system is distributed and has many independent participants that are interconnected through mathematical dependence on the fundamental laws of nature (the "golden polynomials" mentioned above).

It is a blockchain system with technologies similar to digital currencies. It will implement the same elements as a distributed timestamp server, a simplified a proof-of-work system (not Adam Back's Hashcash[49] but with core certification), payment verification, etc.

But unlike Satoshi Nakamoto, we exclude interest revenue. Investors who care about income ethics or follow religious laws will be able to invest for the benefit of themselves and all people. Since profit is generated in the real sector of the economy and occurs on a contractual basis. There is also no need to hide the participants from each other, fight against secret cracksmans and make huge meaningless calculations that devour huge energy resources and pollute the planet.

We are creating a new alternative currency — the SALTCOIN, which is not limited by either the size of the total money supply or the time limit. The number of coins will always grow in the foreseeable future (hundreds of years), because humanity will emit CO2 for a long time. In fact, this emission is the emission of money, which is not carried out by the Central Bank of a particular country or an energy-intensive algorithm, but by nature itself and all of humanity.



SALTCOIN is not subject to speculative fluctuations because, unlike all other money, it has "intrinsic value". Its essence is a rigid connection between finance and laws of nature. Salt cannot lose its power, "to become unsalted" is a figure of speech, a biblical metaphor. There are laws of conservation of energy, conservation of mass, and stoichiometry.


No inflation

SALTCOIN has an intrinsic value that is created at the moment of dissolution and does not disappear over time. Salt once dissolved in the ocean will work always. The residence time of the main components that generate the process of carbonate precipitation is estimated in millions of years. So the residence time in the ocean of halogens Cl and Br is 100 million years, sodium Na - 47 million, boron B - 20, Mg - 13 million and Ca - 1 million years.[5]

No currency in the world can compare with such a time of circulation.


Long term growth

It is clear that the CO2 sequestration market will to grow in the near and far future. Comparing the current world salt production (270 million tons) with the required volume of tens and hundreds of gigatonnes, billions of tons, we will see a thousandfold potential for market growth.

SALTCOIN will become both a secure store of value and a highly moral source of income.



Personally, we do not plan to receive super profits from our developments. We are guided by the Humanist Manifesto and believe that

"Working to benefit society maximizes individual happiness."

Saving the world from an impending climate catastrophe is a noble enough and attractive goal. We are sure that we will find our supporters, people who are not indifferent to the future of their children, people who think globally and want to give the Earth to posterity better than they received it.





SALTCOIN is a solution to the problem of global warming.
SALTCOIN is an international digital currency and blockchain system.
SALTCOIN is the global money of the near future.


Obviously, a big money will come here for a long time. In your opinion, how big?










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